MOWING HEIGHT is the MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR to having a healthy green lawn.
A healthy beautiful “WOW” lawn is a partnership. We don’t want mowing height to be the missing component. When you mow grass tall, the grass has deeper roots. Grass needs to be cut at a minimum height of 4 inches. The length of the roots is indirect proportion to the height of the grass. Root depth increases as mowing height increases. A lawn with deep roots has a greater stress tolerance to drought, foot traffic, pet urine, and is healthier to defend off diseases and insects. Lawn maintained at a proper height (>4”) will require less input (reseeding, water, fertilizer, disease control, and insect control). At the same time, cosmetically the lawn color quality is a darker green. If you mow lower than 4 inches, your lawn becomes a lighter green color and is more susceptible to weeds, undesirable grasses, drought stress, disease, and insects. THE MOWING HEIGHT NEEDS TO BE AT LEAST 4 INCHES AND 4.5” IS EVEN BETTER.IF YOU MOW LOWER THAN 4 INCHES, WE ARE NOT HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INEVITABLE DECLINE AND DAMAGE OF YOUR LAWN! WE CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW IMPORTANT MOWING HEIGHT IS! I know this may come off harsh, but we know that you are paying premium price so we want you to have premium results.
Line Trimming
In addition to mowing height, line trimming height and techniques need to be discussed. Line trimmers are used to create that perfect finished look along street curbs, driveways, sidewalks, up next to the house or fence, and tidy up other areas that the mower is unable to reach. The soil is usually very rocky next to the street, driveway, sidewalk, and around mailbox. Trimming the lawn low combined with poor rocky soil will lead to significant lawn thinning and decline by the end of the season. These are the common areas that need to be reseeded every fall. Depth control is very challenging with a line trimmer. It is not uncommon to see the lawn trimmed too low (<2”) in these areas. When operating a line trimmer, it is important to be aware of the height you are trimming and trim at 90 degree angles along streets, driveways, and sidewalks.
Purchasing a Mower
The one thing to remember when shopping for a mower is to shop with a TAPE MEASURER! It is difficult to get an accurate measurement because the blade is shielded from view by the mow deck. However, you can’t estimate cut height by simply measuring the mow deck clearance from the floor. Many times the blade is recessed up to 3/8 of an inch from the bottom of the mow deck. A mow height gauge greatly simplifies the mow deck height measurement and ensures an accurate reading (Figure 1). When measuring mow height, rotate blade towards the front and measure the blade tip pointing forward (Figure 2). By design the rear blade should be 1/4” to 1/2” higher than the front.
Figure 1 – Mow height gauge.
Figure 2 – Illustration of how to use a mower cut height gauge.
Three Mowing Maintenance Options
1. Mow Yourself
Many of our clients enjoy mowing their lawn for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, most mowers sold at big box stores have a maximum mow height of 3.5” or less. Chances are your mower will not mow over 3.5 inches and you will have to buy a new mower. In the last three years, we have measured (professionally/correctly) over 1,000 new client’s lawns. The mowing height ranges from 2.5 to 3.5” with less than 35% at the 4” height. You might be saying to yourself “what is the difference between 3.5” vs 4”. The mow height difference would probably not be distinguishable to a passerby. However, the 0.5” mow height can make a huge difference in the summer months. Mowing height should be compared as if it was on a logarithmic scale. An earthquake difference of 0.5 on the Richter scale can mean the difference between buildings and bridges standing. It’s HUGE.
Recommended Mower Brands
Walk Behind Mowers
Walk behind lawn mower brands that we know at the time of this writing (2021) that mow 4 plus inches are Honda and Toro. Many of the Toro models (Super Recycler & Timemaster) have a cutting height of 4.25”. The Toro height adjustment arm (Figure 3) can be moved beyond “G cog/teeth” to gain an extra 0.25” for a maximum height of 4.5”. This ability to go beyond the last setting applies to metal cogs/teeth. The plastic cogs/teeth will not allow adjustment to go further. The Toro models shown below are not usually sold at the big box stores. You need to go to a Toro dealer. The Honda’s maximum cutting height is 4.0”. The other brands typically have a maximum cutting height of 3.5”. The one thing to remember when shopping for a mower is to shop with a TAPE MEASURER!
Figure 3 Toro mower height adjustment arm
Toro 21” Electric Battery Personal Pace Super Recycler (Max Cut Height 4.25”, Beyond Last Setting Height of 4.5”)
Toro 21” Personal Pace Super Recycler (Max Cut Height 4.25”, Beyond Last Setting Height of 4.5”)
Toro 30″ Personal Pace TimeMaster (Max Cut Height 4.25”, Beyond Last Setting Height of 4.5”)
Honda 21” HRX Series Mowers (Max Cut Height 4.0”)
Recommended Mowers
Lawn Tractors/ Ride-On
Most lawn tractor brand such as Ariens, Bolens, Cub Cadet, Craftsman, Husqvarna, John Deere (low end), Murray, Troy-Bilt, Snapper, Yard-Man, Yard Machines, White Outdoor, and Weed Eater to name a few are made by Modern Tool and Die (MTD). Most lawn tractors in the residential category will cut from 1 to 4” with some topping out at around 3.4-3.6”. You typically do not see greater than 4” cut until you get into the higher end residential zero turns and commercial mowers. The number on the height adjuster are for reference only and do not refer to any exact mow height; so it is difficult to confirm what is the actual cut height without a tape measurer. At the time of this writing (2021), John Deere models consistently have the ability to mow 4” plus, but still remember to shop with a TAPE MEASURER! It is not uncommon to need to adjust mow deck linkages to maximize mow height range on the day the lawn tractor is purchased. Keep tires fully or over inflated (25 psi) to ensure mow height is maximized.
2. Contracted Mowing Service
Make sure your contractor has the cutting height set to 4 inches. We will be measuring the cutting height when we apply treatments and let you know.
3. Lawns by Dr Vaughan Mowing Service
Lawns by Dr Vaughan mowing program will significantly improve your lawn’s health and color quality. We utilize 30” walk behind mowers to prevent ruts, tire turning divots, and “tire death rings” around trees which are created by heavy ride-on zero turn mowers. Mower cutting height is set to 4.5 inches. Your lawn will never look so good this summer when the Virginia heat and humidity sets in. Your lawn is inspected every week so our team will recognize early problems before the grass declines. One huge financial benefit of our program is that the need for the frequent expense of fall reseeding to thicken up your lawn is reduced significantly for most lawns. Your lawn will be looking like a spring lawn all summer long.
Mowing Height
MOWING HEIGHT is the MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR to having a healthy green lawn.
A healthy beautiful “WOW” lawn is a partnership. We don’t want mowing height to be the missing component. When you mow grass tall, the grass has deeper roots. Grass needs to be cut at a minimum height of 4 inches. The length of the roots is indirect proportion to the height of the grass. Root depth increases as mowing height increases. A lawn with deep roots has a greater stress tolerance to drought, foot traffic, pet urine, and is healthier to defend off diseases and insects. Lawn maintained at a proper height (>4”) will require less input (reseeding, water, fertilizer, disease control, and insect control). At the same time, cosmetically the lawn color quality is a darker green. If you mow lower than 4 inches, your lawn becomes a lighter green color and is more susceptible to weeds, undesirable grasses, drought stress, disease, and insects. THE MOWING HEIGHT NEEDS TO BE AT LEAST 4 INCHES AND 4.5” IS EVEN BETTER.IF YOU MOW LOWER THAN 4 INCHES, WE ARE NOT HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INEVITABLE DECLINE AND DAMAGE OF YOUR LAWN! WE CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW IMPORTANT MOWING HEIGHT IS! I know this may come off harsh, but we know that you are paying premium price so we want you to have premium results.
Line Trimming
In addition to mowing height, line trimming height and techniques need to be discussed. Line trimmers are used to create that perfect finished look along street curbs, driveways, sidewalks, up next to the house or fence, and tidy up other areas that the mower is unable to reach. The soil is usually very rocky next to the street, driveway, sidewalk, and around mailbox. Trimming the lawn low combined with poor rocky soil will lead to significant lawn thinning and decline by the end of the season. These are the common areas that need to be reseeded every fall. Depth control is very challenging with a line trimmer. It is not uncommon to see the lawn trimmed too low (<2”) in these areas. When operating a line trimmer, it is important to be aware of the height you are trimming and trim at 90 degree angles along streets, driveways, and sidewalks.
Purchasing a Mower
The one thing to remember when shopping for a mower is to shop with a TAPE MEASURER! It is difficult to get an accurate measurement because the blade is shielded from view by the mow deck. However, you can’t estimate cut height by simply measuring the mow deck clearance from the floor. Many times the blade is recessed up to 3/8 of an inch from the bottom of the mow deck. A mow height gauge greatly simplifies the mow deck height measurement and ensures an accurate reading (Figure 1). When measuring mow height, rotate blade towards the front and measure the blade tip pointing forward (Figure 2). By design the rear blade should be 1/4” to 1/2” higher than the front.
Three Mowing Maintenance Options
1. Mow Yourself
Many of our clients enjoy mowing their lawn for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, most mowers sold at big box stores have a maximum mow height of 3.5” or less. Chances are your mower will not mow over 3.5 inches and you will have to buy a new mower. In the last three years, we have measured (professionally/correctly) over 1,000 new client’s lawns. The mowing height ranges from 2.5 to 3.5” with less than 35% at the 4” height. You might be saying to yourself “what is the difference between 3.5” vs 4”. The mow height difference would probably not be distinguishable to a passerby. However, the 0.5” mow height can make a huge difference in the summer months. Mowing height should be compared as if it was on a logarithmic scale. An earthquake difference of 0.5 on the Richter scale can mean the difference between buildings and bridges standing. It’s HUGE.
Recommended Mower Brands
Walk Behind Mowers
Walk behind lawn mower brands that we know at the time of this writing (2021) that mow 4 plus inches are Honda and Toro. Many of the Toro models (Super Recycler & Timemaster) have a cutting height of 4.25”. The Toro height adjustment arm (Figure 3) can be moved beyond “G cog/teeth” to gain an extra 0.25” for a maximum height of 4.5”. This ability to go beyond the last setting applies to metal cogs/teeth. The plastic cogs/teeth will not allow adjustment to go further. The Toro models shown below are not usually sold at the big box stores. You need to go to a Toro dealer. The Honda’s maximum cutting height is 4.0”. The other brands typically have a maximum cutting height of 3.5”. The one thing to remember when shopping for a mower is to shop with a TAPE MEASURER!
Lawn Tractors/ Ride-On
Most lawn tractor brand such as Ariens, Bolens, Cub Cadet, Craftsman, Husqvarna, John Deere (low end), Murray, Troy-Bilt, Snapper, Yard-Man, Yard Machines, White Outdoor, and Weed Eater to name a few are made by Modern Tool and Die (MTD). Most lawn tractors in the residential category will cut from 1 to 4” with some topping out at around 3.4-3.6”. You typically do not see greater than 4” cut until you get into the higher end residential zero turns and commercial mowers. The number on the height adjuster are for reference only and do not refer to any exact mow height; so it is difficult to confirm what is the actual cut height without a tape measurer. At the time of this writing (2021), John Deere models consistently have the ability to mow 4” plus, but still remember to shop with a TAPE MEASURER! It is not uncommon to need to adjust mow deck linkages to maximize mow height range on the day the lawn tractor is purchased. Keep tires fully or over inflated (25 psi) to ensure mow height is maximized.
2. Contracted Mowing Service
Make sure your contractor has the cutting height set to 4 inches. We will be measuring the cutting height when we apply treatments and let you know.
3. Lawns by Dr Vaughan Mowing Service
Lawns by Dr Vaughan mowing program will significantly improve your lawn’s health and color quality. We utilize 30” walk behind mowers to prevent ruts, tire turning divots, and “tire death rings” around trees which are created by heavy ride-on zero turn mowers. Mower cutting height is set to 4.5 inches. Your lawn will never look so good this summer when the Virginia heat and humidity sets in. Your lawn is inspected every week so our team will recognize early problems before the grass declines. One huge financial benefit of our program is that the need for the frequent expense of fall reseeding to thicken up your lawn is reduced significantly for most lawns. Your lawn will be looking like a spring lawn all summer long.